Getting started
New to martial arts? Book in for your intro lesson

No problem, everyone starts out here. Simply book in for one of our free introductory ‘Kick Start’ sessions, which run every Tuesday or Thursday at 6:00 pm. You’ll learn some fundamentals of Kickboxing, and enough basic knowledge to be able to begin your first class.
The Kick Start intro class runs for approximately 30 minutes - wear comfortable workout gear, bring a towel and a water bottle. After you’ve picked up the basics you will then jump straight into the following 6:45 pm ‘Kick Tech’ class and you're on your way.
We can provide gloves and essential gear but encourage people who are continuing with Kickboxing to buy their own gloves and gear for best hygiene practices.

You’re welcome to have a ‘free trial class’ and participate in a class of your choice. Come and talk to us about the most suitable class for you to join.
Wear comfortable gym clothing and bring your own training gear for best hygiene practices.
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Frequently asked questions
When can I start sparing?
Before you spar you need to understand the basics of fighting and demonstrate your knowledge.
There are 3 paths to start sparring in CKB.
- You have taken part and completed the 10 week spar training course.
- You have taken part in the Train Alta programme and fought at the end.
- You have previously sparred at another gym and can demonstrate this.
* To take part in the 10 week sparring course you must be a member for a minimum of 6 months, and have an understanding of the fundamentals.
Do I need to bring a partner when I join?
No. Lots of people come on their own. Before starting each class we ask the group to pair up. Those who don't have a partner raise their hand and that allows you to see who is able to pair with you. If there are odd numbers one group will often become a group of 3.
What if my partner is more experienced than me?
Getting partnered with someone with more experience is common when starting out. Our members are accommodating and will match your ability, and even help you out, suggesting small corrections so that you get the best out of your class.
Will I see the UFC fighters at the gym?
More than likely. This is their training area as well as yours. They are members of the gym and we request everyone to be respectful of one another. Ask before taking photos. All of the CKB team are people first, and are happy to have a chat and pic at the right time.
Do I need to have my own gear before I start
We have boxing gloves available in the gym. Muay Thai pads are also supplied for beginner and Kickboxing classes. We recommend you buy your own gear, if you want to continue for hygiene reasons.
Do I need head gear, a mouth guard or shin guards for classes?
No. This gear is only needed if you are sparring. Our regular classes are a series of combos and strikes using the Muay Thai training pads.